Igniting minds, one spark at a time…
Trading Sparks is the blog of Dino Alaeddin, who owns a web design and online marketing agency. In this blog, he focuses more on his experience with astrology and how it has helped him achieve self-realization.
Visual Aesthetics – 9
Trading Sparks is quite beautiful in its simplicity. It does not astound you with flair, but the simple beauty of the design and the images just might take your breath away. The only thing that can be improved is the grey space on the right – it does give you breathing space, but it seems a tad much.
User Friendliness – 9
At first glance, I had difficulty finding how to navigate Trading Sparks. The obvious (+) sign at the top left escaped me initially. Once you get that, you’ll be okay. For better navigation, the categories section could be filled up.
Reading Enjoyment – 10
I am not really into astrology, but I won’t deny that I do read up on this topic once in a while. For those with an open mind and for those who regularly read about the topic, I think that you will enjoy the posts in Trading Sparks.
Useful Info – 10
Everyone needs to achieve self-realization, and this is what Trading Sparks can help you with. If that is not useful information, then I don’t know what is!
Overall Experience – 9
Have you been trying all sorts of techniques to get inspired and change for the better? Maybe there are some things you haven’t taken a look at. Why not visit Trading Sparks and see if you can gain nuggets of insights that can help?
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