Mind Bending Videos


Trippy Videos to Blow Your Mind
Trippy Videos to Blow Your Mind
Mind Bending Videos is a blog which features all sorts of videos that will certainly keep you occupied no matter what time of the day it is!

Visual Aesthetics – 9
Mind Bending Videos keeps a focus on its content, with a simple design that does not distract the viewer. A custom header is used, which adds to the visual experience. What does take away from the visuals is the integration of the social sharing buttons and ads at the bottom of the posts. Overwhelming comes to mind.

User Friendliness – 9
In spite of the large amount of videos to be found on the site, I didn’t have serious problems loading the posts. One thing that can be improved is the location of the tags and categories. You need to scroll through lots of ads before you get to them.

Reading Enjoyment – 10
Not much reading to be done here, but the videos in Mind Bending Videos will really blow your mind. And if that’s not enjoyment, I don’t know what is!

Useful Info – 10
You might not find useful info here in the practical sense, but that is not the point of the site anyway. If you want to have a blast, then Mind Bending Videos is the site for you.

Overall Experience – 9
Mind Bending Videos is one of the best sites to visit if you need some amusement. One visit, and you will be hooked. Trust me.

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