Mumbling Mommy
Mumbling Mommy
Mumbling Mommy is a blog about parenting, featuring moms from all over the United States. Learn about the experiences of other moms, and share yours, too!
Visual Aesthetics – 9
Mumbling Mommy has very simple looks and uses a color scheme that is very easy on the eyes. One thing that can be improved is the addition of other visual elements to make the visual experience even better.
User Friendliness – 8
Mumbling Mommy is easy enough to navigate, and the pages load up very quickly. Navigation could be made much easier for readers, by adding a section for categories or tags. With the amount of content available, this would make it faster to find the information readers are looking for.
Reading Enjoyment – 10
Any parent would enjoy reading Mumbling Mommy. The posts are well-written!
Useful Info – 10
Mumbling Mommy is definitely full of useful information for any kind of parent. Whatever your parenting style or preference may be, you will find practical information here!
Overall Experience – 9
Looking for a go-to parenting site? Mumbling Mommy ought to be in your regular reading list.