THE imadeit SHOP
THE imadeit SHOP is your one stop shop for all sorts of DIY arts and crafts. This blog is also aimed at sharing the blogger’s love for eco-friendly ideas.
Visual Aesthetics – 10
From the custom header to the pictures in the individual posts, THE imadeit SHOP offers eye candy. The overall look of the blog is clean, making for pleasant viewing.
User Friendliness – 10
THE imadeit SHOP is a very user friendly blog – all the relevant links can be found in the right column and within the posts as well. You will not get lost navigating this blog and you will also find additional information with the click of the mouse. Oh, and pages load up very quickly.
Reading Enjoyment – 10
I am one of those people who were not blessed with much creativity and perhaps this is why I appreciated THE imadeit SHOP a lot as I went through their posts. The ideas are presented simply and make you want to be able to do something similar!
Useful Info – 10
THE imadeit SHOP scores perfectly – again – because it is packed with so much useful information regarding the niche it belongs to. Nothing more needs to be said.
Overall Experience – 10
THE imadeit SHOP is an excellent blog for those who are interested in arts and crafts and eco-friendly ideas. I would bookmark it if I were you.
i dont know if this is customary but i just wanted to say thankyou thankyou thankyou for all you WONDERFUL kind words. i often wonder how things appear to others… and now i know. again thankyou!!