to the Left of Bill
to the Left of Bill is a blog full of the thoughts of, you guessed it, Bill. He tackles all sorts of topics from politics to racism to programming – name it, he’s got it.
Visual Aesthetics – 8
The blog has pretty colors – pastel on a white background. That fact makes it easy on the eyes of the reader. One thing that you would definitely notice is the lack of other visual elements to give the blog that extra kick.
User Friendliness – 7
I love how quickly the pages of the blog load but to the Left of Bill is sadly lacking in other user friendly elements. There are main tabs at the top of the page – Home, About Me, Music, and Shows – but aside from the blog roll and a couple of other links, I did not find any other help navigation-wise.
Reading Enjoyment – 10
Word of caution: to the Left of Bill is not for the fainthearted. Bill is not one to pull his punches and he says what he thinks. And I think that is what makes his posts entertaining.
Useful Info – 9
Not much by way of practical information in to the Left of Bill although you will find a LOT of insights and thoughts to ponder. Trust me, you just might find yourself thinking more after reading Bill’s posts.
Overall Experience – 8
The strength of to the Left of Bill lies in the ideas of the blogger and the way he presents them. With some more work on the physical aspects of the blog, it will go a long way.
I read this blog pretty often. He hasn’t been writing too much lately. I totally agree about the appearance. The design really turns me off
But he ended up doing a third redesign and it finally looks professional. I couldn’t stand the old design. The black and white was too much contrast and there were like 3 links on the entire site. I bet now that the site is on a par with some pro blog templates he’ll get more readers