OnTheWebEd is rife with information about education – online or e-learning. In this day and age, the blog is quite relevant for readers of all ages and all walks of life.
Visual Aesthetics – 8
The beige, brown, and tan color scheme is quite pleasing to the eyes. The number of links and the way they are organized take away from the visuals just a little bit. The posts are quite long and take away from the aesthetic value – just a tad bit – as well.
User Friendliness – 9
Ahh, OnTheWebEd gives you what you need when you need it – by linking a lot to the information mentioned in the posts. However, the text could use a bit of chopping up to make it a little easier to read.
Reading Enjoyment – 10
I really enjoyed reading through the posts on various topics in OnTheWebEd. They are very relevant and most anyone who has an interest in education can relate to them. They are also quite well written so it doesn’t make it a headache to read the blog.
Useful Info – 10
There are a LOT that you can pick up from reading this blog. From writing exactly 100 words to Sesame Street, you can find these topics in OnTheWebEd.
Overall Experience – 9
Definitely recommended. OnTheWebEd is one of those blogs that are really worth subscribing to!
[tags]education, e-learning, online learning[/tags]