Steph’s Blog



Steph’s Blog

The tag line reads ?Looking at things from a unique point of view?…but before you dismiss this as “another teen blog”, give this one a chance. A student in Singapore, Stephen is quick to point out that he is not a Stephanie, and although there really isn?t anything very unqiue about Steph?s point of view, his writings reveal something honest, insightful and delightfully quirky. From a list of things one can do on a bus to reflections on the definition of beauty and even his belief in God, each of Steph?s posts is worth reading.

Visual Aesthetics – 5

The blog has a very cluttered look. With both left and right sidebars full of links and other features, such as his profile, ads and poll and comment boxes, it takes the focus away from the blog post and lessens its overall appeal.

User Friendliness – 6

It is very readable and fairly easy to navigate despite the clutter. The page also loads pretty quickly. Poll results pop out in another window.

Reading Enjoyment – 8

Nothing too deep and definitely entertaining. The blog is light-hearted on the whole and is far from boring. It doesn?t go on and on about personal issues, instead it keeps you interested with a clip, a short story or a joke. Warning: Don?t watch the video clips if you have a slow connection.

Useful Info – 7

Steph covers a whole range of topics here – and although it may all seem like trivial, I have to admit that I did learn a thing or two. For instance, did you know that Singapore not only has a Restroom Association, but offers Certificates in Toilet cleaning as well?

Overall Experience – 7

Interesting and full of fresh material, this young man tackles his daily intersts with such thought and gusto ( always with links), his blog crosses over from being a typical teen read, to one with somewhat more substance (albeit humorous). If not for anything else, those in need of a good chuckle should definitely swing by Steph’s.

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