Scotzine is a blog that offers everything and anything about Scottish football. This is one niche blog that has a very tight focus and promises to keep readers up to date with the latest in its niche.
Visual Aesthetics – 9
Scotzine’s visuals are very neat. With everything organized well, the overall look of the blog makes a pleasant viewing experience. There are a couple of photos here and there – a bit more in the individual posts would make for a better visual aspect.
User Friendliness – 10
One of the strong points of Scotzine is its ease of use. The links to different pages within the main site are easily found at the top of the right column. Categories and archives are found there as well. These are presented using pop down menus, making for a neat layout.
Reading Enjoyment – 9
The entries of Scotzine are well-written and definitely not sloppy. The tone is informative and is pleasant to read. I would appreciate more personal insight from the blogger, though.
Useful Info – 10
Another strong point of Scotzine is the quality of the content that it offers. Being a niche blog, it has a focal point – Scottish football – and the entries support this point very well.
Overall Experience – 9
Anyone who is interested in Scottish football should include Scotzine in his bookmarks. The information is updated regularly and reading is a pleasant experience.
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