

Bloggy Award Winner


This blog has entries that vary in topic so much that I really can’t find an overall theme to this blog though the tagline does describe it pretty well. It is a blog on midlife, wifehood, mothering, and the roses in between, which pretty much means its a blog on anything and everything about an average woman’s life.

Visual Aesthetics – 10

First thing that came into mind when the page loaded was, “Pretty”. A very very visually pleasing blog. The lone daisy (or is it mums?) on a white background and the pretty lady on the profile pic amongst the endless text looks really great.

User Friendliness – 10

A blog with a very simple template and the usual navigation elements. What I really like about this blog is that it makes use of a very simple yet very user friendly feature that helps users distinguish links. When the mouse hovers on a clickable word or phrase the link is highlighted. This is something most blogs brush off as unimportant, which is why a lot of otherwise interesting or useful links go unnoticed.

Reading Enjoyment – 8

The entry titles are catchy and the posts are well-written. However I am quite torn as to whether this blog is interesting or boring since many posts are really good but some tend to get long and boring. Very typical of personal blogs I guess. But since I found more great entries than blah ones and the great ones are really good then I guess this blog deserves an 8.

User Info – 7

If you want something useful info in this blog you’d better head on to the Books and Movies category since the entries in other categories are mostly not. What you’ll find in this blog is just a few facts for its own sake but more on thoughts on facts. So if you want to find mere facts you have to pick it out between the author’s thoughts.

Overall Experience – 9

This blog is amazing for someone who professes to be a technophobe. First she makes sure that she has a nice looking template that works in IE and Firefox. Next she’s added some user friendly features that most bloggers don’t even care to add. And last it seems that she’s keeping herself from adding other stuff to make the blog better though she still ends up tweaking it. Though the author professes that it’s the content that matters more she loves her blog enough to makes sure that she delivers excellent content in an excellent package.

[tags]Personal Journal,Books,Movies,Wife,Philippines,Thoughts[/tags]

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