Philly Sports Net


Philly Sports Net

Philly Sports Net

Philly Sports Net is a great place for sports enthusiasts to visit, especially those interested in happenings in the various teams and leagues in Philadelphia. Whether you’re a baseball, football, baseball, or basketball fan, you’re sure to enjoy reading about news and views on your favorite teams on Philly Sports Net. You might be overwhelmed with the technical matters, though as the authors are quite knowledgeable in the inner workings of the various sports, but this won’t be an issue with enthusiasts.

Visual Aesthetics – 7

The blog uses a variation of the default WordPress Kubrick theme. It’s simple, yet elegant. And most especially, it’s standards-compliant, which is a plus in my book! The site’s color scheme provides maximum contrast and readability. Advertisements are present, but are not obtrusive, as they are located in the bottom parts of the sidebar- you won’t miss it if you’re looking for sports-related books or literature.

User Friendliness – 7

The blog’s sporting a Kubrick theme makes it more navigable than most other blogs. The blog’s long articles are usually summarized, so the front page only displays the first few paragraphs. Clicking on the title or a “read more” link opens the static page with the complete article. Links to the homepage, previous, and next articles are also conveniently located on the top portion of the site, for easy access.

Reading Enjoyment – 7

Sports buffs will enjoy the thorough insights and discussions of sports news and events. You’ll have your share of honest, expert opinions on the various leagues Philadelphia teams are involved in, from college teams to professional. However, badly needs more diligent updating.

Useful Info – 7 

The statistics and game play information are useful. Being localized to Philadelphia, other readers may night find the content as useful, though.

Overall Experience – 7

Philly Sports Net is a good read for any sports enthusiast. If you’re looking for relevant and knowledgeable sports commentary, this blog is a good place to start. The site is an easy read, with a little sprinkling of “inside” stuff. But if you’re into the game yourself, then I don’t think this will be a problem.

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