Manufacturing The Cloud

Manufacturing The Cloud

Manufacturing The Cloud
Manufacturing The Cloud
Manufacturing The Cloud is the official blog of NetSuite Inc., a company that provides a host of solutions to businesses to make their processes flow more smoothly and ensure better productivity. They also have creative blogs about cloud computing, which presents the topic in a more interesting way.

Visual Aesthetics – 8
Manufacturing The Cloud has a simple design, which brings more focus to the content. However, some aesthetic tweaks can be made to offer a more pleasant viewing experience.

User Friendliness – 10
You will not get lost navigating this blog, as all tools are made readily available. Additionally, pages load in the blink of an eye.

Reading Enjoyment – 10
The blog entries are written in such a manner that even if you may not be so technically inclined, you will find a way to have a fun read.

Useful Info – 10
The guys at Manufacturing The Cloud know what they’re talking about, and they definitely provide useful information related to their business.

Overall Experience – 9
Whether you are looking for creative blogs about cloud computing or you are looking for business solutions, you will find this site worth a visit.

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