Sharing Values
This is the blog of Beyond Development, a business that is hell bent on helping other businesses to do more than achieving a nice bottomline. According to the guys behind the business, it is not just about being aware, but it’s about taking action.
Visual Aesthetics – 10
Sharing Values looks very clean and is easy on the eyes. The background is a mix of light gray and white, with largish fonts. There are visual aids here and there, and everything blends well overall.
User Friendliness – 10
The blog pages load very easily, but even better is the fact that you can find your way around the blog with no problems at all. The menu bar below the header will point you in the right direction, and the archives and tags give you more specific information.
Reading Enjoyment – 10
Sharing Values is a treat to every business owner who wants to achieve something more. Topics such as caring for customers beyond the business aspect will give you a different perspective.
Useful Info – 10
There is no doubt about it – this blog is full of useful information. Whether you are a business owner or you manage a team, you will pick up a lot of practical stuff.
Overall Experience – 10
Sharing Values is a top-notch blog that everyone in business should visit. You won’t regret spending time reading the entries.