Home Is Where The Cars Parked


sleeping in a car
Bloggy Award
Home Is Where The Cars Parked

Home Is Where The Cars Parked is the personal blog of a woman currently experiencing financial difficulty – something the rest of the world can relate to especially in these days of financial turmoil. Though living in a car and disabled she faces each day with an attitude that we can all admire.

Visual Aesthetics – 9
The simple white template was made interesting with the use of a beautiful header and really nice pictures. The only problem is the right sidebar doesn’t render correctly (it’s shows up at the very bottom of the blog) in Internet Explorer messing up the otherwise pleasant look of the blog.

User Friendliness – 10
Easy to navigate with plenty of options for different search behavior (categories, tags, tag cloud, etc.). Social bookmarking is also made easy and clutter free thanks to the “I love social bookmarking” button at the end of each post.

Reading Enjoyment – 9
Just from reading the introductory email Deb sent I could already tell that her blog would make for a good read. I wasn’t disappointed. A personal blog chronicling daily activities but done in a way that allows even a stranger in.

Useful Info – 9
Nothing useful in terms of hard facts but still useful because the contents are mostly of every day issues (from unemployment and immigration to blog woes) that ordinary folks can relate to.

Overall Experience – 9
Relevant, honest, critical yet hopeful. It shows us that circumstance is not an excuse for not being able to go on with life. This blog is a must read.

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  1. I want to thank everyone here at BloggyAwards for taking the time from your busy lives to come see my blog and to honor me with the silver award. You and my readers make it worth while, thanks so so much!
    Deb Young xx

  2. Dear Bloggy Award and Noemi,
    I have requested my family REMOVE your silver award from our website for the following reason, You stated in your review of our blog:

    “Nothing useful in terms of hard facts but still useful because the contents are mostly of every day issues (from unemployment and immigration to blog woes) that ordinary folks can relate to.”

    Myself and others concerned find your wording appalling and without merit. Our blog is nothing but FACTS as they occur daily. There is much more involved in our lives than “immigration and blog woes”. If you as a person think that losing everything in your life you have worked for, your home and family and having to live in a car, in alleys, in woods and the likes are everyday woes and something everyone can relate to, and is not fact enough for you to at least show some respect for us then we do not want your sad award OR your mindless opinion of a situation you have never been in yourslef, it is called “survival.” After all, do you have a home you go to every night and a bed to sleep in of your own? We welcome critisizm, not ignorance.

    John and Deborah Young
    Home Is Where The Cars Parked

  3. Pingback: I have been awarded the Silver Bloggy Awardhttps://www.bloggyaward.com/bloggyaward/home-is-where-the-cars-parked/
  4. Hi John.

    I understand your point and want to apologise for the unintended slight. Just to clear things up what I what I meant by “hard facts” was simply hard boring facts meant for dictionaries or lists, or computer news or stuff like that, which is usually how useful info is scored. In fact the very reason you got the Bloggyaward is because we see the usefulness of having people who may not be in as dire a situation being able to look up to your blog for hope. I would like to apologise for the lack of depth of my words as I see that it may have made it seem like I see your situation as trivial but that is not the case. I hope this somehow clears it up and though you may no longer think we are worthy of a link from your site, we understand and still think Deb’s blog definitely deserves a bloggy.