Empower Women


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Empower Women

The title says it all. This blog is especially made for women, specifically women entrepreneurs. If you, however, don’t think you are one you should still take a peek at this blog and you just might find the entrepreneurs in you.

Visual Aesthetics – 7

There’s too much going on all over the blog. With so many things going on the main column on the left just doesn’t get the spotlight it deserves. A change in font size might be enough to do the trick. Another negative thing is that the subscribe box on the left hand corner looks like an ugly pop-up window you can’t close.

User Friendliness – 10

Positives: Fast loading time. Readable text. Distinct links. Informative posts. Pretty discreet ads. Organized sidebar. Negatives: None that is too glaring.

Reading Enjoyment – 7

Considering the target audience it is pretty good. However the writing is a bit dry and the author likes to write point by point. Very organized but not too enjoyable. The entires are also on the lengthy side.

Useful Info – 10

Useful info is what this blog is all about. Lots and lots of tips and links to really good online resources to be found here.

Overall Experience – 8

Empower Women is a very helpful blog with a very noble aim. It has its target audience, which the blog would be appealing to but outside of that the blog isn’t something random people will feel like subscribing to.

[tags]Women,Business,Entrepreneur,Internet Marketing,SEO,Moms,Writing,Empowerment,Women Health[/tags]

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