Baby’s Diary

my baby

Baby’s Diary

Babies, babies and more babies. That’s mommy talk for you and this is what you can expect from Baby’s Diary. Centered on cute baby Gavin, this mom blog also offers plenty of educational posts for other new mommies.

Visual Aesthetics – 8

With pictures of Gavin and mom peppering the blog it can’t help but be cute. However the blog still lacks the oomph that makes for a perfect 10.

User Friendliness – 9

Positives: Readable text. Distinct links. Informative posts. Organized sidebar. Easy navigation. Clean look. Negatives: Slides at the bottom of the page takes some time to load though it doesn’t really affect the over all usability because you can skip looking at it if you’re visiting to read.

Reading Enjoyment – 7

A lot of lengthy posts. Entries are either about Gavin or something really informative,which is good. However, the topic plus the over all tone of the blog wouldn’t really entice non=moms to read this blog.

Useful Info – 10

Very very informative. Lots of things for moms here from health to shopping issues.

Overall Experience – 8

A very nice resource for new mommies or even old ones with another new baby. The blog makes for pretty dry reading though and wouldn’t be of great interest to casual visitors that are not mommies.

[tags]Baby,Mom,Family,Mother,Baby Health,Motherhood,Baby Shopping,Baby Information[/tags]
