The story of my life and almost everyone else’s. The author Tries To Catch Up with So Many Blogs and So Little Time that you’d better prepared for a blog chock-full of memes. As one of her commenters noted she doesn’t seem to really just blog anymore. But then the author is completely right when she says that memes does save her from blogger’s block. It’s meme country in here folks.
Visual Aesthetics – 6
I’m not a fan of yellow but at least the yellow in this blog is not too bright. The color combination does work though it is a bit too monochromatic. Pictures help to liven up the blog but the long lists for memes and the long list of commenters on the bottom of many posts doesn’t really look good. This blog needs a bit of cleaning up and little less of the yellow.
User Friendliness – 7
Fairly easy to navigate though some navigation features are not tht easy to locate. Fonts are readable and the pages load fast enough. The blog makes use of Snap, which though it might be theoretically cool, doesn’t really work well. First of all the snaps take a bit too long to load, the images doesn’t always really yield a useful preview, and mistakenly hovering your mouse on a link will make an irritating snap pop out. My suggestion is to just remove this not so user friendly feature.
Reading Enjoyment – 6
Too much memes. Unless you belong to one of the meme clubs she belongs too you might not enjoy reading her posts that regularly. Some of her non-meme posts though are really funny and enjoyable but they are pretty rare. The bird photos and other images she uses for her photo hunt add interest to her posts though.
User Info – 6
Bird lovers will find nice pictures here but aside from that there isn’t really much info you can garner from this page. If you like memes you can get links to them from this blog. I for one am not a meme person but am actually thinking of joining the Exercise for Comments club. It is pretty funny yet useful afterall.
Overall Experience – 6
The author really does need to do some catching up with her blog. The blog has way to much memes and too little meaningful enjoyable posts for readers outside the clubs’ circle. If the blog is meant for that specific audience though then this blog has achieved its goal.
[tags]Memes,Blog Communities,Birds,Wordless Wednesday,Thursday Thirteen,Friday’s Feast,All Blog Stars,The Bestest Blogs of All Time,Blogger Chicks,Blog Olympics[/tags]