An Internet Marketing Tutorial for the Rest of Us
Ready to make money online? On this blog, Randy talks about Internet Marketing techniques, such as Search Engine Optimization, and how to make it work to your advantage.
Visual Aesthetics – 4
The mass of ads within the posts make the page look messy and are extremely annoying. The main text begins in the lower half of the page which is awkward and it is also too wide for a normal screen size, so one has to scroll back and forth constantly. Lastly, the main photo seems inappropriate and dull. Low marks here.
User Friendliness – 6
This blog could benefit from for a “search this site” option, an “index” or a detailed list of “archives”, all of which are absent.
Reading Enjoyment – 8
The site means business- you can expect a handful of technical terms which are gibberish to most of us. So be advised to begin with the oldest posts, which contain introductory discussions and explanations on the various SEO terms, as some of the current posts are difficult to follow for ignoramuses like ourselves.
User Info – 9
Aside from informative posts on making money online and how to promote your site, this blog also warns about protecting your computer from spyware, phishing, scams, and Internet worms. Randy points the user to useful websites for improving traffic to your site.
Overall Experience – 7
This blog could be a useful tool for those who want to make a start earning on the Internet. None of Corey Rudl’s flair, mind you.