A Little Crazy? Aren’t we all?
It’s the eyes. The first thing you notice when you visit Maggs‘ blog is the eyes at the header image. You feel so naked and vulnerable with those pair of eyes ever staring at you. But when you read what Maggs has to say, the tables are turned. It’s not you that she’s staring at, but it’s the other way around. The blog gives readers a perspective into the life of the author. A Little Crazy is just what a blog was originally intended to be- a personal journal. It’s a life story in the making, one day at a time. You can even read a fourteen-part narrative on the author’s life story, from her younger days to the present. I wouldn’t be surprised if Maggs comes up with a book from her blog’s content.
Visual Aesthetics – 9
The color scheme is very basic and light on the eyes- grey and blue on a white background. But the layout is as accessible and usable as can be. It’s very simple and uncluttered, which improves on the readability aspect. The header image carries the blog’s layout well, blending in subtly with the text area. There are, however, dropdown boxes on the bottom part of the sidebar that are empty, which tends to break the visual aesthetics.
User Friendliness – 9
The site’s accessibility is above average, but not really perfect. There are useful links to the recent articles and monthly archives, and external links as well. But readers could use a little more usability features, such as permalinks in the post titles and a little more “about me” text. It would also be good to include subscription or syndication links (for RSS or Atom feeds).
Reading Enjoyment – 10
The blog is regularly updated with well-written and interesting tidbits about the author’s life. Maggs talks about everything from her relationships to her daily experiences, and she makes it feel like the reader is part of the story. This blog’s definitely something you’ll keep on coming back to.
Useful Info – 10
The blog is all about the author, and the information is useful to the extent that you’d want to get to know the author. But no in-your-face facts and figures here. It’s a life story, people. But based on the great feedback Maggs gets on her posts (from the comments), I’d say people find her writing interesting.
Overall Experience – 10
A little crazy is what we would expect a blog to be. The content is great. And the feedback is great. It’s one big conversation- with the author’s life as the central topic. For the great stories and discussions, A Little Crazy? Aren’t we all? deserves a Bloggy Award.