Toy Talk


Toy Talk
Toy Talk is a blog specializing in toys in the UK. It contains a LOT of information that anyone interested in toys will find very useful.

Visual Aesthetics – 10
The template used in Toy Talk is very simple and yet it is optimized to present information in a very pleasant way. There are relevant photos in every post and you can really get an idea about the toy being featured. The background is plain white so the colors of the toys do not really clash.

User Friendliness – 10
Toy Talk is very well organized, making it easy to find what you are looking for. You can browse by type of toy or by going through the archives. You can also look for more content by browsing the various pages contained within the site. Another thing, the pages loaded up so quickly for me!

Reading Enjoyment – 10
I love toys and I love looking for new ideas for my nephew and brother. I found this site to be very enjoyable as the posts are informative and well written.

Useful Info – 10
This is perhaps the strongest point of Toy Talk. All the posts contain detailed information about the featured toy. You can find information such as price, features, and ratings with regard to durability and value.

Overall Experience – 10
Bloggy Award

Toy Talk should be bookmarked by anyone who knows that he or she will be looking for toys at any given time. Parents and guardians, especially, will find this blog very useful. Gold Bloggy Award Winner, that’s what we have here!

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  1. Thanks for taking the time to review my site – I’m delighted you enjoyed it and thought it worthy of top marks!

    ToyTalk has been running for over three years now and it’s always a boost to receive positive feedback.