The T Stop

The T Stop

The T Stop

The leopard skin jumps at you and screams “this is an adult site“. But read through the entries and while its language can be rough around the edges, T is a very insightful woman who makes you think. Everything is open for discussion at T Stop and judging from the comments on every post, she’s got a lot of followers.

Visual Aesthetics – 8

This blog’s design is clean. And T acknowledges that someone else set up the template design for her. It’s easy on the eyes, and all the links and resources run smoothly at the side- so no clutter. The white background may be drab for others, but the leopard skin masthead makes up for it.

User Friendliness – 8

You’re not going to be lost in here, because T moves you right along with her.

Reading Enjoyment – 8

The entries seemed to go on a bit, but once you get reading you’ll appreciate her sharpness, wit and humor. I like how she involves readers in every entry.

Useful Info – 8

You’d think it’s just about her life and thoughts she was sharing, but she’s got snippets of stuff that would make you think “hey I didn’t know that!

Overall Experience – 8

The foxy look of this blog may lead one to expect something of an adult nature, but Miss T actually goes through a whole gamut of topics under the sun – from her sweet furry friends to childhood summers and Uncle George‘s nasty gas habit – and she pulls it all off exceedingly well. A very interesting read….
