The Panic Blog



The Panic Blog

A blog of a man who suffered from acute anxiety disorder and is beating it…with proper medical treatment and plenty of support from his family and friends. Though entitled the Panic Blog this blog does not focus on his hardships and is in no way depressing. It is usually light, informative and very at times thought provoking. Eric also works for 911 so be prepared for some riveting 911 stories and plenty of safety warnings.

Visual Aesthetics – 7

The dark color scheme and the creepy skull in the header will give you the impression of a dark, dreary, or angry blog, which is far from what this blog actually is like. I frankly didn’t like the overall look though I like the fact that the blog isn’t cluttered. I feel like Eric could use a template and look that gives his thoughts, writings and personality more justice.

User Friendliness – 9

The positive: Fast loading time. Readable fonts. Easy navigation. Uncluttered sidebar. The negative: No “Previous Posts” link at the bottom of the page for easier backtracking. No categories section.

Reading Enjoyment – 10

I found the blog very enjoyable. The panic blog has lots of really funny entries but also an equal number of informative and more serious posts. The author has a talent for spotting ordinary news and writing an always substantial commentary…regardless of the tone he chooses. You’ll also find a lot of pretty polymer clay creations here. Not the best in terms of writing but this is one of the personal blogs many will enjoy visiting regularly.

Useful Info – 10

Although this blog does not have a set of links to helpful sites you will find plenty of very useful information in posts. From 911 tips to links to sites like SAFE Alternatives this is one of the more educational and helpful personal blogs I’ve read. It would be great though if the author could label the old posts so that many of his very useful stuff can be easier to find.

Overall Experience – 9

Over all the Panic Blog was a very enjoyable blog to read. It isn’t too full of boring personal stories and even the personal stories are usually presented in a non-boring way.

[tags]Educational.Safety,911,Family,Bariatric Surgery,Panic,Anxiety Disorder,Anxiety Attacks,Current Events,Polymer Clay,Art,Therapy[/tags]

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