The Cotas



The Cotas

Jim Cota gives us a touching and often tear-jerking look at the wonder of family life, with this sincere yet humorous blog. After reading some of his entries, I was hugging my children tightly, a little convinced that this guy might just be the reincarnation of George Bailey.

Visual Aesthetics – 9

The strip of black and white photos of the beautiful Cota children were a great touch, lending a modern and artistic touch to the simple, clean design of this site. Other photos found were also of great aesthetic value, well-composed and thankfully without any of those dreadful studio backdrops in sight.

User Friendliness – 9

No problems here at all. All the places clicked upon loaded quickly, without a hitch.

Reading Enjoyment – 8

Definitely uplifting, and with more lump-in-throat moments than the Adoption show on the Hallmark channel (try the entry “Baby Zach and his Angel Wings), Jim’s faith and love for his family are sure to give even mean old Mr Potter that warm, fuzzy feeling.

User Info – 8

Aside from his posts about his kids and blissful family life, Jim also offers some interesting bits and pieces – like the moving account of Longfellow’s “Christmas Bells” poem, ways to support the US Armed Forces and a recipe of Crybaby Cookies, which I must definitely try.

Overall Experience – 9

A real family experience, the Cotas will inspire you to go and read your child that extra bedtime story, give your tired spouse a foot rub at midnight, and thank God for all that is good in this wonderful life.

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