Teachings Of The Horse

Teachings Of The Horse
Teachings Of The Horse is the blog of Victoria Cummings, cowgirl and film and TV producer – what a combination, huh? This blog is the product of her longstanding love affair with her horses and offers a host of information about them.

Visual Aesthetics – 10
The overall color theme of Teachings Of The Horse is teal green and I think it matches the idea of the blog. Horses and meadows, get it? There are also a lot of relevant photos about the horses and other topics in the blog entries. The blog is very neat and pleasing to look at.

User Friendliness – 8
I had no problems with the loading times of the blog entries that I browsed through, despite the amount of pictures in the blog. One thing that I found missing is the section for categories. With this, it would be much easier for visitors – especially the new ones – to find the entries that are most relevant and most interesting to them. Also, though there is a section for the archives, I think that it could be placed in a more accessible location – perhaps higher up the right hand column?

Reading Enjoyment – 9
I have always loved looking at horses. I have never owned one, nor have I many encounters with them in real life but Teachings Of The Horse made me feel as if I were interacting with them. There were many things that I didn’t know about as I was reading the blog but I still had a good time. Just a note, some of the posts are VERY long, though, so for the sake of those who have short attention spans, perhaps the text could be chopped up a bit?

Useful Info – 10
Content-wise, Teachings Of The Horse really hits the nail right on the head! There is a lot of useful information in the pages of this blog and it is very obvious that Victoria knows what she’s about.

Overall Experience – 9
Teachings Of The Horse is a must visit blog for those who love horses, those who are interested in them, and even those who have absolutely no knowledge of them. The posts are informative and well-written and the photos are perfect!



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