Stampin’ Inspirations


Maria's Stamp Room

Stampin’ Inspirations

A Stampin’ Up! demonstrator the author, Maria, is so good at rubber stamping she should think of selling her work. A rubber stamping maven the blog will make people with no creative juices feel like putting something together.

Visual Aesthetics – 10

Every single artwork was so pretty I couldn’t choose a picture to post here…so I ended up with a photo of Maria’s stamp room. To see her beautiful art you have to go to her blog. If not for her art the blog would have looked really bland but since her art’s the soul of the blog it is naturally pretty. The gray background is a great background for the images since it does not compete for attention.

User Friendliness – 7

The posts are readable and loading time is acceptable. Navigation is a bit tricky though if you want to see some tutorials. Some tutorials take only one click but some redirects you to another page where you need click some link again just to find exactly what you need. It would be great if Maria put a tutorial section on the sidebar where you can choose all the tutorials available from a drop down menu . I also don’t like the fact the she uses Snap, which can be very irritating whenever you hover accidentally on a link. Snaps don’t really do anything for the user and slows down loading time too. I am however impressed by Maria’s dedication to giving her readers what they need, which shows by the poll aiming to give her more information about her readers. The poll isn’t impressive but the motive behind it is.

Reading Enjoyment – 9

Viewing enjoyment is a 10 and reading enjoyment and 8. That makes 9, which is a pretty good score. A lot of craft blogs tend to get boring with long details about what they’re doing. Stampin’ Inspirations is not like that since most of the text accompanying the art are just short stories about anything that can be or not even be really related to the making of the particular project. The project details are always however given but only in the end so that it doesn’t mar the flow of the entry. Detailed instructions or tutorials are also given separately so that only interested readers need view them.

User Info – 10

Stampin’ Inspirations is a very useful blog for new to relatively young rubber stampers. Plenty of designs, ideas, tips, and tutorials.

Overall Experience – 10

Lovely. Useful. Understandable. Easy to follow. I would heap this blog more praises if Maria would send me some of her cards and boxes. I’m too lazy to make them.

[tags]Rubber Stamping,Stampin’ Up, Craft, Drawing, Pianting, Stamping Tips, Cards[/tags]

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