Peety Passion



Peety Passion

Humor. If there’s one thing the world needs these days, it’s humor. We’ve seen a lot of wars being fought left and right, and there are political battles on the homefront, too, that one sometimes needs a break from this serious stuff. Peety Passion is not exactly a blog just about humor, but you can see from the blog’s tag cloud (as pictured above) that Peety the author is fond of writing about the lighter side of life, and this extends to some poetry, even! Other than humor, the author posts interesting news and fact tidbits that might be interesting, and usually have some commentary at the end.

Visual Aesthetics – 8

The blog uses a custom three-column theme, with the main content on the left side, and two sidebars to the right side. This type of layout works very well for blogs like this that have a big number of links on the sidebars. The header image is also very attractive, and it helps balance the columns, as it’s divided in half. The author is also fond of including images in most of her posts, and this helps readers visualize the ideas she is trying to share.

User Friendliness – 8

Peety Passion‘s color scheme provides for high contrast and easy readability. The text seems to be quite small, though, even at low resolutions, so those with problems reading small copy might find some difficulty in reading the blog. As for navigability, Peety Passion is higly navigable, with the use of easy-to access pages in the top navigation bar, and easily accessible archives on the sidebar. The archives area also sorts the posts by date (month and year), and tag, which is good for finding just the information a reader needs.

Reading Enjoyment – 9

Peety Passion is all about the interesting stuff, whether these be funny, informative, or trivial. People will not run out of things to learn or laugh about. Whether you love entertainment, politics, factoids, poems or even just simple jokes, you will enjoy reading Peety Passion.

Useful Info – 6

As earlier mentioned, the blog is full of information tidbits. However, one might not find everything here useful. Some pieces of information are trivial factoids–those that are interesting to learn, but may not really be useful in practical terms. Still, some really useful information could pop up every once in a while when you’re checking the archives.

Overall Experience – 8

Peety Passion is not a personal journal, nor is it a blog done in journalistic style. It focuses, rather, on trying to satisfy its readers’ thirst for knowledge, though this might not necessarily be in the practical sense. Do check out Peety‘s humorous poems. You will surely be amused.

[tags]humor, information, trivia, funny, poetry[/tags]

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