One Man Bandwith


Bloggy Award Winner!


One Man Bandwidth

Beautiful! This one loads with a nice black background and a great shot of the Great Wall of China across rolling hills. The only niggle I have with this is that the picture is so big you have to scroll almost immediately to see any text

Visual Aesthetics ? 10

Just a lovely image, the Great Wall blending with a site done in a gentle green like jade. Sets the scene for this blog about an expat American professor in China.

User Friendliness ?10

Fast load, decent linking on the navigation bar, and draws you right in with images and text.

Reading Enjoyment ? 9

I was drawn right in. Who knew that they scraped gum off Tianamen Square by hand, or how they cleaned the rest of it? Pics and nicely descriptive text makes this site a winner.

User Info ? 9

I’d like to see more links on this site, but it gives you an excellent insight on China, the secretive country. Most of his writings are of the “man on the street” variety, but well written and very observant.

Overall Experience ? 10

Very fun site. The look is relaxing, the style is that of an outsider who is also an insider in China. If you’re going to travel to China or have a real interest, I highly recommend this one. A Bloggy winner!!

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