Kendra Chelsea: At home at the Asylum


Kendra Chelsea

The Kendra Chelsea: At home at the Asylum blog shares the personal experiences of Kendra Chelsea, proud transgender girl. The site talks about her day to day happenings and hopes to provide comfort to transgenders who feel alone in their journey.

 Visual Aesthetics – 10

The blog is striking what with the huge banner at the top of the home page. The blog posts also attract attention owing to the photos on each and the well written titles.

 User Friendliness – 10

Links are in place to let visitors read the blog posts in their entirety. There are also links to other pages where readers can get to know more about the author as well as editorials and reviews.

Reading Enjoyment – 8

The blog posts are written in a natural and conversational style hence, easy to understand. The author also includes her personal quotes which make the posts more interesting and alive.

Useful Info – 9

Transgenders can learn from Kendra Chelsea’s personal experiences which she shares on the blog. Her journey is an inspiration.

 Overall Experience

The blog gives hope to transgenders particularly to those who are still not in the open. The author’s personal experiences shared on the site provide inspiration and comfort.

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