Ideal Marketing


Ideal Marketing
Ideal Marketing
Ideal Marketing is a business and marketing site that offers its readers a wide array of information. Consider it your one-stop shop for all sorts of marketing-related topics!

Visual Aesthetics – 8
Ideal Marketing has a very simple color scheme, doing away with unnecessary colors. However, the overall look of the site can be tweaked so as to make it more appealing.

User Friendliness – 10
You can easily find your way through the content of Ideal Marketing. Categories/topics are highlighted at the top of the home page, making sure that you can access information you want with a single click. The posts also have links to more information that can help you.

Reading Enjoyment – 10
Being a site with a particular target audience, Ideal Marketing might not appeal to everyone. If, however, you are part of that audience, then you will enjoy going through most of the posts.

Useful Info – 9
In general, Ideal Marketing does present practical and useful information. One thing that can be improved is the amount of content for the categories.

Overall Experience – 9
Ideal Marketing has something to offer the individual or group who wants to expand their business and marketing knowledge. If this is you, you know where to go!

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