I Am
I Am is the personal blog of Lauren Hagee. In it, she shares bits and pieces of her life and the people around her. In her submission e-mail, she wrote “blogging from the perspective of a fun, quirky, slightly embarrassing, almost college grad!” Fun, quirky, and slightly embarrassing – we all have these moments!
Visual Aesthetics – 9
Blue, blue, and more blue – I love this color and it really looks good in this blog. The header is also very pretty and there is a lot of eye candy within the posts themselves. My only suggestion would be to create some sort of border scheme that would give more definition to the different sections of the blog.
User Friendliness – 9
I Am is very easy to navigate – all the relevant links are within easy reach from the left column. The pages loaded up very quickly for me as well. I would suggest changing the cyan (or some similar color) colored font for some of the blog posts. They do not really make for easy reading with the dark blue background.
Reading Enjoyment – 10
Even though I do not know Lauren, I had a good time reading through some of her blog posts. I like how she is trying to come up with entries that will cater to her audience. The pictures of her trips and her family members were also very pretty.
Useful Info – 8
As with many other personal blogs, there might not be much practical information in the pages of I Am. That does not mean that you cannot enjoy what is to be had, though!
Overall Experience – 9
This is another personal blog that I wouldn’t mind visiting from time to time. Even if there is no personal connection between the blogger and the reader, I think that many people would want to read the blog. If you’re looking for another person’s perspective and a fun read, then I Am is a good place to be.