Girl Gadgets


Award Winner!

Girl Gadgets


From the very first glance this blog shines through with professionalism, style and attitude. It’s sleek design compliments quality posts on a very underserved niche: girl tech.

Visual Aesthetics – 10

This blog has clearly been designed by a skilled professional. With a clean flair and subtle shapes, the blog design comes off as being fresh and well structured. The graphics never overwhelm but perfectly compliment the site’s content. The ads are positioned off to the right and actually serve to make the blog look like a high-quality magazine just off the bookshelf at Barnes & Noble.

User Friendliness – 9

The site is easy to both search and browse, with both options available above the fold. Ads are never blended into the navigation, and don’t serve to confuse. Categories are thoughtfully chosen and not overdone.

Reading Enjoyment – 9

The site does a great job of staying on theme and providing content that isn’t available anywhere else. The posts suffer from what I call “gadget blog syndrome” in that they are usually short and spec oriented. I’d like to see a little more creative flare.

Useful Info – 10

The posts are carefully chosen and stick very closely to the blog’s chosen girl-gadget theme. The commentary is usually appropriately girly and does the trick for that niche. Just consider this commentary on a set of lie detector glasses (you wouldn’t see this on any run of the mill guy-gadget blog!):

I guess this beats pulling the petals off a daisy and asking “Does he love me?”

Overall Experience – 10

PopGadget comes off as a near-perfectly executed magazine for women. The combination of tight, compelling commentary from a female perspective and a beautiful site design make this site worthy of our highest honor: a BloggyAward!

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