Winged Emotion


angels 1
Winged Emotion

Reading the blog title you’d think that Winged Emotion will be full of sensitive and soft marshmallowy kind of posts. Reading the posts will however take you to a world where a more apt title would be Winged Witticisms or Winged Sarcasm.

Visual Aesthetics – 8

Red and green, a snowman, and strings of mittens equals a Christmas themed blog. Though I give the blog a thumbs up for being up-to-date with the look it gets a thumbs down too because it could have used a nicer looking Christmas theme. What I like about this blog though is that it is very neat and has no ads. I love bloggers who blog just to plain blog.

User Friendliness – 9

Readable and easy to get around. The only confusing thing for me is the Navigate tab, which I think wasn’t appropriately titled. The word Navigate makes you expect that you’ll be finding ways to navigate through the different posts on the blog and not just link to certain pages in the blog. It should instead have been title something like Family or My World.

Reading Enjoyment – 7

A personal blog with the author’s personality definitely peeking through. Her posts are opinionated, loud, and usually funny. However it does lack the IT factor, which draws readers into wanting to truly read every single detail of ones life.

User Info – 5

All you’ll get here are the author’s daily musings, funny stories and clips, and of course family stories.

Overall Experience – 7

The usual personal blog you’ll encounter on the net although this one usually has a humorous tone to its posts. A blog with a strong personality.

[tags]Personal Journal,Diary,Family,Humor[/tags]

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