Down It Goes

Down It Goes
JonJon’s personal blog, Down It Goes is a myriad of topics and visuals which, according to the blogger himself, is about “most craps that don’t even exist.”

Visual Aesthetics – 7
I really like the color scheme and the background. The rest of the blog’s visuals leave much to be desired, however. The posts make use of fonts of different sizes – perhaps for style and readability, but it just does not work for me. The overall look of the blog left me confused.

User Friendliness – 9
There were a lot of pictures, so maybe that is the reason the main page took a bit to load up. When it comes to navigation, though, you can find your way around through the left column, which has all the links that you need.

Reading Enjoyment – 7
I had a bit of a difficult time enjoying the posts due to three reasons – the visual effect (they kind of hurt your eyes after a while) , the writing style, and the content. Perhaps I just need to be able to relate to JonJon and this could be quite difficult since I do not know him.

Useful Info – 7
As with many personal blogs, one really cannot expect a lot by way of practical information. There are some interesting insights, however. Also, JonJon supports a lot of worthy causes, the banners of which you can see all over the blog.

Overall Experience – 7
Down It Goes provides a unique and interesting experience. It could use some work in the different aspects mentioned above but one cannot help but applaud JonJon’s efforts.

[tags]personal journal, personal blog[/tags]



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