Visual Aesthetics – 7
Design is simple and clear- there’s nothing too fancy here, which suits the aim of the site to disseminate information on a historical topic.
User Friendliness – 8
It’s easy to navigate through The Digital Museum on Comfort Women and the Asian Women’s Fund. We imagine this is the sort of website visited mostly by students of history, and for that purpose it’s appropriate.
Reading Enjoyment – 7
The site is well-written, with important points clearly marked throughout. “Enjoyment” is not really something that applies in this case, which deals with a very serious, somewhat disturbing topic.
Useful Info – 10
Primarily a site to disseminate information on Japan’s wartime comfort women and how the government has dealt with the issue, the site achieves that goal very successfully.
Overall Experience – 8
One of the best resources for information on what’s been a hot topic of late. A worthy bookmark for anyone interested in this information.