The Independent Voyager


The Independent Voyager_small

The Independent Voyager blog provides information on unique boutique hotels in the U.S. and Europe, upcoming events, technology and shares travel tips that every traveler can use. It also informs you what a boutique hotel really is and how it’s different from the chain hotels.

Visual Aesthetics – 9

The boutique hotel blog‘s simple and clutter-free design with white background and no ads make it appealing to visitors. The large and quality photos and text are well positioned on the site.

User Friendliness – 10

It’s easy to navigate around the site with all links functioning well and direct to the right pages. The blog posts on the home page provide a link to the individual post where visitors can read the entire text. The photos when clicked also direct to the blog post.

Reading Enjoyment – 9

Travelers and non-travelers will find it a pleasant and enjoyable experience exploring the site’s content. The posts are well written and are sure to spark the interest of visitors.

Useful Info – 9

Frequent travelers and ordinary internet users searching for information on boutique hotels and interesting places in the U.S. and Europe will gain a lot of insights from the blog. The tips on travel and use of the latest technology are very informative as well.

Overall Experience – 9

It is well worth your time to visit The Independent Voyager blog. With the travel tips and other interesting information provided on the site, any traveler or internet user browsing on the site is sure to gain additional knowledge.

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