Daily Apple


Bloggy Award Winner


Mark Sisson’s Daily Apple

A heatlh blog that seeks to inject fun in your quest for a healthier body and lifestyle. It tells you to eat an apple a day but to also make sure that you do other healthy things too.

Visual Aesthetics – 10

Very neat and organized. Very nice color scheme – Apple Green and Red. ^_^ I still don’t know if it was intended but it works. The quirky header image looks really good too.

User Friendliness – 10

Nice easy to navigate format. Very organized. Features and links placed exactly where you would look for them. With user-oriented features. Easy to join forums. Fast loading time. And easy to read fonts.

Reading Enjoyment – 8

Mark and his “worker bees” make it a point to write each post with a touch of humor. As the blog motto goes — “Join me in my crusade to take the boredom out of health!”. They are succeeding in doing that although some posts are a bit too long to enjoy. The format is very useful but you wouldn’t really be reading this blog for the fun but the info. Still it IS more fun than most health sites and blogs out there.

Useful Info – 10

Very very useful even for non-health buffs. This is one blog where you can get pretty good ideas to improve your health that just might work for you. With plenty of information in each post. Check out the various pages for some health info quickies.

Overall Experience – 10

A very good health blog deserving of a Bloggy Award. Make sure you join the forums too benefit from this blog to the max.


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