Conservative Refocus


Conservative Refocus
Conservative Refocus is Barry Seacrest’s baby, a businessman with extensive experience in the insurance industry. The blog is his personal take on what’s happening – expect up-to-date commentaries on the hottest issues around.

Visual Aesthetics – 8
The blog’s overall look is very stark, only broken by images here and there. The colors are very earthy and sometimes makes it a bit hard to read the long text. I do like the use of the eagle with the American flag on its face in the header, though. I think it’s brilliant!

User Friendliness – 9
I had no problems with load time while accessing the various pages in the blog. I also like how neat the blog is, with links provided in the right column and at the top of the page. The links are not expanded – you will be taken to another page to view them, but it is not much of an issue since pages load up really quickly. One thing I want to suggest is to break up the text with more relevant photos – it’s a bit too text heavy. If you like that kind of reading, though, then you will not have any problems.

Reading Enjoyment – 10
I have to be honest – I did not have that much fun reading through the posts. I am not taking this against Barry, however, as the posts were very well-written and quite engaging. The problem, I think, is that I am not that interested in the focus of the blog. For those who are into politics and the current issues in the US, though, I think you’ll have a great time reading Barry’s posts!

Useful Info – 10
There is a LOT of food for thought in Conservative Refocus . People who like to keep abreast with current issues and who like to read about what other people think will definitely find this blog useful.

Overall Experience – 9
Conservative Refocus is very heavy in quality content – something that you may find to be a rarity these days. It does deal with specific topics, though, so it is not for everyone. For those who are looking for thought-provoking articles on current events, Conservative Refocus is the blog for you!

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  1. Dear Noemi:

    Thanks for your very kind and objective review.

    The critique was both informative & inciteful and we have already put into play some of your suggestions.

    As an aside,the text heavy cannot be helped(at least by long-winded Me).I constantly struggle to stay less than two thousand words although my publicist says “Fear Not”.Regardless–I am always pleasantly surprised when I can reach my objective in 1,700 words or less(which is..admittedly rare).

    Your site is excellently done by the way.

    Best Regards,

    Barry Secrest