Tech and trekker spells geek. You will find here stuff of interest to Jepoy like gadgets, cell phone carriers, airfare promos, video games, tech stuff, movies, TV shows, and local news (local for those in the Philippines that is).
Visual Aesthetics – 7
The author’s love for Star Trek shows in this blog’s design. Unfortunately the sleekness and elegance of the Star Trek theme wasn’t captured by the blog due to the messy sidebar.
User Friendliness – 8
Positives: Fast enough loading time. Readable text. Distinct links. Informative posts. Only the post summary are given on the main page so you can skip posts that don’t interest you. Negatives: Cluttered sidebar. Some “Click to Read Full Entry” links are displayed even though the posts are already shown in its entirety. No categories (it’s Coming Soon though).
Reading Enjoyment – 7
The blog wasn’t very enjoyable since there were plenty of entries that read like news clippings that weren’t even really that interesting in the first place. This blog does justice to the original concept of blogging though. If you want a more enjoyable visit go to the author’s Photoblog “On Screen”, which I liked more than this one.
Useful Info – 10
Plenty of useful information here especially for those form the Philippines or those that are geeks.
Overall Experience – 8
Although this blog isn’t that enjoyable a read it is worth visiting for the wealth of information you can get.
[tags]tech,geek,TV,Philippines,cellphone,gaming,Video games,Cebu Pacific[/tags]