Bitchet: Not Your Average Housewife
First impression on this site is that it’s a little hard to read and a little hard to load. Second impression: about the same. This personal blog is pretty, but it could use more frequent paragraphs; it’s like reading James Joyce because when you’re halfway through the paragraph you can’t remember what you read at the beginning!
Visual Aesthetics – 7
I would have rated this a little higher if it loaded just a bit faster so I didn’t have the unpleasant experience of black words overlapping black border. That’s probably the server Bitchet uses, but it’s still an issue. Everything else is certainly above the average blog. Her image is excellent, and though I want more white space (that paragraph thing again), overall the blog is pretty friendly to my tired eyes.
User Friendliness – 7
Again- with more paragraphs, I’d rate this higher. It’s easy to navigate, but hard hard hard to read those long paragraphs.
Reading Enjoyment – 7
Once you get into it, Bitchet‘s blog is pretty amusing. She has a knack for making the mundane funny, and I love the way she uses strikeout text to emphasize her sarcasm.
Useful Info – 6
Her best information is the links to other personal blogs, in which she has excellent taste. But for the most part, this blog isn’t designed to share information with the world at large; it’s to get conversations going and get out some of what’s in her head.
Overall Experience – 7
This is a pretty good personal site. But with her attitude, I doubt Bitchet needs my validation; she does just fine on her own. It’s a site to visit when you feel low and you want to be cheered up a little by laughing at the trivial stuff.