Young Widows And Widowers
Young Widows And Widowers is the community blog of members from the YWBB. It is all about the loss they have experienced and how they are coping with it in their current lives.
Visual Aesthetics – 8
Young Widows And Widowers makes use of a default template available in Blogger and it suits the positive spin that the bloggers are trying to put into their work. The colors are pastel – light and easy on the eyes. Several things that could use some work – more visuals within the posts themselves, perhaps better formatting for some of the really long posts, and a really nice header.
User Friendliness – 8
I had no problems with load time, the archives links are well organized and easy to find. The contributor’s links brings you to their Blogger profile – an improvement would be to show a list of the blogger’s posts if it’s at all possible. Also, a list of categories would be very helpful.
Reading Enjoyment – 9
The strength of Young Widows And Widowers lies in the real life stories and experiences of its bloggers. The posts are well-written and one cannot help but admire how they deal with their individual situations.
Useful Info – 10
For the targeted niche, Young Widows And Widowers provides TONS of insights. People who have been widowed will certainly get a lot from this blog. Even those who are not would gain some strength in reading the entries of the blog.
Overall Experience – 8
The content of Young Widows And Widowers is excellent. Readers can easily relate to their posts and learn a lot as well. Some work on the formatting as detailed above can only make the blog experience better.