Viral Rang


Viral Rang

The Viral Rang blog is all about unique viral stuff including useful information and tips. It covers life, travel, health, DIY crafts, love and relationships, inspiration, videos and quotes.

Visual Aesthetics – 9

The blog’s three-column layout design is meant to help people easily find the information they want. The content is divided into categories which are well highlighted. The photos also add to the site’s overall appeal.

User Friendliness – 10

The site’s home page may be filled with lots of information but it’s easy to navigate around the blog as all links are in place and working fine.

Reading Enjoyment – 9

Visitors to this site are guaranteed to enjoy the information provided notably as they cover various topics. There are also tips that people can apply in their daily lives.

Useful Info – 10

The blog’s content, regardless of the topic, is very useful to people. It not only shares facts but also tips that people can apply in their daily lives such as those concerning health.

Overall Experience – 9

Visitors will find it worth their time reading the blog’s content as they are all informative and useful. The blog posts are all unique and written in interesting manner.

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