The personal blog of Monica, a young girl from Malaysia, turn-u-off offers a peek into her life.
Visual Aesthetics – 8
The color scheme is predominantly pink – it is nice if you like this color. There are some really nice pictures in the blog which gives readers a view of life in Malaysia. However, there seems to be a predominance of ads, which takes away from the visual aesthetics.
User Friendliness – 9
The blog is quite easy to navigate, with the links easy to find in the right column. The pages also load up quite quickly. Again, though, the placement of the ads could be tweaked to make for less scrolling.
Reading Enjoyment – 9
The posts are well-written and easy to read. I also like how Monica presents her experiences in such a way that even people who do not know her can relate. The post on the Chinese New Year was great.
Useful Info – 9
For a personal blog, one can find a lot of useful information in turn-u-off. From movie reviews to food (yum!), you can get something out of the entries.
Overall Experience – 9
Aside from the not-so-appealing blog name, turn-u-off turned out to be quite interesting. There’s still some room for improvement but it’s pretty alright as it is.
[tags]personal blog, personal journal, Malaysia, food, movie reviews[/tags]