Technology and Social Change
The Spruce Blog is the extension of Spruce Advisers, a group specializing in providing strategic assistance to organizations. Their services tend to cater to investors and philanthropists, with a special focus on technology and social change.
Visual Aesthetics – 10
I like how The Spruce Blog looks, as it is very clean. At the same time, it makes use of visual aids that not only help in understanding the information better, but all provides a break in between text blocks.
User Friendliness – 9
You can navigate The Spruce Blog either via the archives or the section for most read posts. It would be nice to see a tag or category section as well, to make searching for specific information easier.
Reading Enjoyment – 10
Whether you are an investor/philanthropist or not, I think you will enjoy what The Spruce Blog offers. As long as you are interested in technology and social change – and other related topics – the posts will get you reading and thinking.
Useful Info – 10
The blog is definitely full of useful information for today’s Internet user who is interested in making an impact.
Overall Experience – 9
The Spruce Blog is highly recommended! As I said, it doesn’t matter if you are an investor/philanthropist or not. If you want a meaningful read, this blog is a must visit.