Post Secret




Post Secret

This blog is a beautiful canvas display of anonymous handmade postcards which all share a secret.

Visual Aesthetics – 10

It is a beautifully designed website that allows the postcards to speak for themselves. The black background and minimalist approach are the perfect canvas for the colors and images on the postcards to stand out. The blog indicates that it is a “community art project,” and the design of the site obviously conveys a respect for the creativity involved in the development of each postcard.

User Friendliness – 9

There is virtue in utter simplicity. Navigating this blog could not be any easier. The point is that it be kept simple, so all the essential information is concisely captured in a few brief lines. When you first arrive at the site, you are provided the site overview, a link to the description of how to send postcards, and a link for a suicide hot line. The only thing that I am left wishing for is a note about the blogger and how the project developed.

Reading Enjoyment – 10

What could be more intriguing than getting a glimpse into people’s most private thoughts? But what makes it most compelling is that so many of the thoughts and secrets feel so familiar. We all wonder and worry about similar things, and it is comforting to know that we are not alone.

Useful Info – 10

In addition to the posting of secrets, there is also information on purchasing The Postsecret book by Frank Warren, and his upcoming speaking engagements. Because people are sharing their most private thoughts, which are sometimes quite troubling thoughts, it is significant that the final posting is a link to a suicide hot line.

Overall Experience – 10

I cannot say enough about how beautiful, unique and compelling this blog is. The website is updated every Sunday with postcards that have arrived by mail, and it is definitely a site that I would want to visit again and again to see what new secrets have arrived.

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