Love, relationships and online dating are at the heart of this bog (pardon the pun!) – offering some entertaining yet solid advice for those looking for Mister or Miss Right across the international spectrum of dating.
Visual Aesthetics – 6
Very, very simple – verging on the boring. There are also quite a number of irritating open blank spaces, large Google ads in the middle of posts and some other coding errors which are visually very irritating.
User Friendliness – 8
No real complaints here. The categories and links were decently organized and everything loaded quickly.
Reading Enjoyment – 9
Singles should get a lot of enjoyment from this blog, which is not one person’s experiences, but a collection of helpful dating tips interspersed with relationship stories we can all relate to – single or otherwise.
User Info – 8
The entries here have quite a lot of links within them, which take the reader to other dating-related sites. For instance, in an entry about Dating Honesty, click on “deceived by your date” and you’ll be taken to Your Instant which will have a minefield of more stuff on “dating potential cheaters” and so on.
Overall Experience – 8
Despite its weak design, the content on this blog receives high marks for its decent writing and informational focus on the world of online dating.