my world my ways my ideas


my world my ways my ideas
my world my ways my ideas is the personal blog of Deeps, a young woman from Sri Lanka. The personal blog extends to more than her daily life, though, and offers some information on IT.

Visual Aesthetics – 8
my world my ways my ideas makes use of a brown color scheme, which is quite pleasing to the eyes. It does lack a certain presence, perhaps because of the header – or the lack thereof. There are some images within the posts but the formatting of the Google Adsense units do not seem to match the aesthetics of the blog overall.

User Friendliness – 10
This blog is very easy to navigate for many reasons and one of them is the organization of the content. Also, there aren’t too many posts yet so it is really easy to find your way around. As for load time, there is no problem at all.

Reading Enjoyment – 9
Reading the posts in my world my ways my ideas was alright – I didn’t particularly have much fun but it was not boring as well. I suppose it could be that I am not that much into such technical stuff?

Useful Info – 10
It seems to me that there is a lot of practical information to be found in the pages of my world my ways my ideas, especially with regard to simple PC troubleshooting. Deeps writes simply and makes things easy enough to understand.

Overall Experience – 9
my world my ways my ideas is one personal blog that offers useful information – more than the usual personal blog. If you are looking for practical info on IT, you might find it here.

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