Murderama Blog


Murderama Blog
Murderama Blog is the accompanying blog of the main web site, Murderama. Both sites feature the artwork and music of Mike Larsson, the blog primarily showcasing the former.

Visual Aesthetics – 10
From the header to the individual posts, Murderama Blog is full of visuals – and rightly so, the blog being a sort of online gallery. The artwork is very vivid and some quite disturbing (at least for me). That is not to say that the talent of the artist is lacking in anyway. The experience is very visually stimulating.

User Friendliness – 9
Despite the large amount of visuals, the pages of the blog loaded up very quickly for me. The relevant links – categories, blogroll, etc. – can be found in the right column. I would love for an archives section to be included, though, to make it easier to browse by date.

Reading Enjoyment – 9
There isn’t really much to read in this blog as it is primarily a photo blog of the artist’s work. That doesn’t take away from the viewing pleasure but it would be good to have a short description or background of the paintings.

Useful Info – 10
Catering to a very specific audience, Murderama Blog gets full points in this category as it achieves it goal showcasing the artwork that is for sale.

Overall Experience – 9
This is a very good blog to visit if you are interested in the artwork of Mike Larsson. I have to warn you – don’t expect conventional art. For those looking for an example or an inspiration, you just might find it in this blog.

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