Blogs- they’re so common these days that almost everyone and his uncle have gotten into blogging. But a few are able to distinguish and differentiate their blogs from the rest by adding some innovative touch. And with Anne‘s blog, her innovative touch would be her photographs. Manila Daily Photo is a photoblog with a twist, as the author does not only post photos, but adds meaningful and relevant commentaries. The photos themselves tell a story of their own, and the text entries feel like guides to how a reader/viewer should think, feel and react to the daily snapshots. A picture, after all, speaks a thousand words. With this blog, it feels like living the author’s life through her own eyes.
Visual Aesthetics – 9
From the photos, to the layout, to the color scheme, the elements of Anne’s blog seem to embody the concept “clean”. The layout is appealing to the eyes, and all design elements blend together in great harmony. Of course, it’s the photographs that catch the reader’s attention, and they’re the highlight of Anne‘s blog. We would’ve given a perfect 10, if it weren’t for a few affiliate links and logos on the sidebar that were not too neatly arranged.
User Friendliness – 8
The site’s copy is readable enough, with adequate contrast and size. Navigation-wise, the blog is above average, as even though it’s running on Blogger, it utilizes external scripts that help sort the entries by tags and categories. The site also features helpful links and text placed prominently where a visitor can easily access them.
Reading Enjoyment – 9
It’s not just reading enjoyment, but viewing pleasure. Anne‘s photographs are sure to catch your attention, as they provide a unique perspective into daily living in Metro Manila, Anne‘s home town.
Useful Info – 8
Maybe you’re a prospective tourist to Manila, or a long-time resident, or just a visitor passing by checking out what Manila is all about. Either way, you’re bound to pick up interesting tidbits of information from the photos and commentary. Readers seem to agree, given the above-average number and quality of responses in the blog’s comment areas.
Overall Experience – 9
Manila Daily Photo provides an interesting perspective to life and living in Manila, not only through a writer’s words, but also through a photographer’s eyes. Be sure to pay the site a visit regularly, for your dose of daily happenings and special events in the Metro.
[tags]manila,philippines,photography,metro,daily living, writer[/tags]