Learn Thai in Bangkok
Language Express is a language learning school offering both English and Thai. The site provides all the information that you need to know about their services, as well as the advantages of taking up their courses.
Visual Aesthetics – 7
Most of the pages for the site are text-based, which is understandable as they are ensuring that people will get all the necessary information about their language courses. The site – and the blog – can use some work in the aesthetics department so that visitors can have a more pleasant viewing experience.
User Friendliness – 10
The site is very easy to navigate, thanks to the menu that can be found at the top of the page. Navigation buttons are also available on the left sidebar, and the site map at the bottom of the page is of big help as well.
Reading Enjoyment – 10
If you are looking to learn Thai in Bangkok, then you will enjoy Language Express as you will definitely find what you need!
Useful Info – 10
Language Express is certainly full of useful information! It gives details on learning Thai in Bangkok, and practically everything that you need to know in order to achieve your goal of learning the language via the school.
Overall Experience – 8
Overall the site caters to a specific niche composed of people who want to learn Thai in Bangkok or English. If you are part of this audience, then you absolutely have to take a look at this site.
You can find out more about Language Express here