Gator Bride


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Gator Bride
It’s not often that you put these two words together, but the blog Gator Bride is something else! It is the blog of Ms. Gator, who is planning her wedding – which is happening in May, by the way – and has a passion for design and the Florida gator. It’s a peek into a very interesting life!

Visual Aesthetics – 10
Ms. Gator is not into design for nothing! This blog’s visuals are simply amazing – simple but very pleasing to the eyes. From the header to the color scheme to the images in the posts – everything just comes together perfectly.

User Friendliness – 10
Despite the number of images in the blog, I didn’t have any load time problems at all. The relevant links are categorized and easily accessible as well, making navigation an easy thing. With the amount of content in Gator Bride, the 3-column layout is a great choice.

Reading Enjoyment – 10
I had never heard of Ms. Gator prior to reading the submission e-mail for the blog. Indeed, I even found the name of the blog kinda weird. But, this is a perfect example of wrong first impressions. This blog will entertain you!

Useful Info – 8
As is the norm with many personal blogs, the casual reader might not find much by way of useful information. However, with Gator Bride, you just might pick up a tip or two on various topics: from weddings to design in general.

Overall Experience – 9
All I can say is congratulations to Ms. Gator and Mr. Knight. May you live happily ever after!

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