Finish Writing


Finish Writing
As the name implies, Finish Writing is a blog that tackles anything and everything about writing. The blogger’s aim is to connect with other writers out there and to share each others experiences.

Visual Aesthetics – 8
The color scheme of Finish Writing leans toward the dark side and it is looking good. It is actually balanced out with a few splashes of color here and there. The header, which is an awesome picture of a Harley, is not really connected to writing but it does look good. However, the ads in the most prominent places takes away from the overall looks of the blog.

User Friendliness – 9
Finish Writing is organized quite well, making it easy for readers to navigate the entire blog. There are sections for the archives, pages, and categories (which is very useful). There are also links to entries which have had the most number of comments and the most popular entries. However, they are located at the bottom of the page, which means that you have to scroll a lot to get to them.

Reading Enjoyment – 10
I really enjoyed reading through the posts of Finish Writing. They are informative and well-written. Even the ones about grammar are presented in such a manner that you would not be bored.

Useful Info – 10
I think that this is the strongest point of Finish Writing. Knowing that the main audience of the blog are writers, Finish Writing really delivers with regard to content. There is a lot that a writer can pick up from this blog.

Overall Experience – 9
Finish Writing is a place where anyone can pick up tips on how to write better. Whether you are just starting out or you have been writing for a while, you can learn a lot from Finish Writing.

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  1. Thanks for the review of my site. Would you be able to make a couple of adjustments please? I think when you created the review I was testing a different theme (totally by happenstance).

    I understand if you don’t have the time, but i would appreciate it.


  2. Pingback:   Do You Write Too Slowly? (Part 3) by Blog Tutorials
  3. Pingback: Do You Write Too Slowly? (Part 3) | OpenABlog